A look ahead for February 2022
Hospital Buildings (Delivered by Sir Robert McAlpine)
Trinity (Non-Forensic) building’s façade nearing completion on the North Elevation, other elevations complete. The Shaftesbury (Forensic) façade is ongoing on all elevations.
Fitout works to Shaftesbury and Trinity buildings.
Mechanical and Electrical works ongoing to Shaftesbury and Trinity buildings.
External Scaffold removed apart from the North elevation on the Trinity building.
Civil and Infrastructure (Delivered by Sir Robert McAlpine)
Park works progressing with earthwork movements to complete subsoil and topsoil profiling works in the final areas for phase 1. Footpaths to the park are ongoing. Boundary clearance at the Southern boundary has been reviewed with STEP and Wandsworth Tree Officer. The extent of the clearance has changed following ongoing consultation with various parties. As a minimum there will be further clearance works in February to enable footpath construction to the Southern boundary to tie into the existing footpath in the existing car park in St Georges Grove.
Tree planting progressing in the park area as planned.
Construction is progressing outside Mayfield Nursery and Gymnastics Club and both new hospital buildings, but uninterrupted access will be maintained for both parties through Share Garden.
Works to progress hard landscaping progressing on Springfield Drive as planned.
SRM Works Location drawing for February 2022
Next phase of new build residential - Plots B-E and L&M (delivered by Barratt London)
Superstructure works to continue B – C with the former being at roof level this month and commencement of scaffold striking prior road works.
Parcel C to be at roof level by March 2022.
Road works to commence B – C up to wearing course. This to commence this month and continue up to May 2022.
Internal M&E works has now commenced B – C, L & M.
Superstructure works continue to L&M. Block M is now at roof level with Block L to follow within the next month.
New marketing suite to ground floor of Block M is now open!
Superstructure works to parcel E1 & E2 has commenced.
Barratt monthly look ahead drawing - February 2022
Conversion of listed main building to residential - Plot S (delivered by City & Country)
Externally roofing works ongoing to Lupin and Rose link roofs.
Masonry repairs, cleaning and rebuilding to continue on garden and boundary walls.
The installation of new and refurbished cast iron and Crittall style windows is to continue.
Internally, 2nd fixing and decorations to communal areas in the Central and Jasmine Towers to progress.
Fitting out continues to link units.
Commissioning works ongoing to initial areas – Central and Jasmine Towers.
External service distributions are ongoing to both Phases 1 and 2.
Substation slabs to be completed ahead of transformer installation.
Phase 2 drainage works will continue.
Asbestos removal from Phase 2 and soft stripping to continue.
Phase 2 at The 1840 is planned to launch in February 2022.
New care home facility - Plot H (delivered by Lawrence Baker)
Continue with the roof coverings to the Eastern Wing.
Commence roof coverings across the remainder of the building.
Commence installing rainwater goods.
Commence installing windows towards the end of February.
Complete all internal screeding.
Commence plaster boarding.
Internally: Continue with M&E works including first fix AC and ventilation extraction for the kitchen and laundry areas.
We also aim to position all required plant equipment onto the central roof area.
Area of Responsibility Plan