A look ahead for October 2021
Hospital Buildings (Delivered by Sir Robert McAlpine)
Trinity (Non-Forensic) buildings façade nearing completion on the North Elevation, other elevations complete. The Shaftesbury (Forensic) façade is ongoing.
Fitout works to Shaftesbury and Trinity buildings
Mechanical and Electrical works ongoing to Shaftesbury and Trinity buildings.
External Scaffold removed apart from the North elevation on the Trinity building.
Civil and Infrastructure (Delivered by Sir Robert McAlpine)
Park works progressing with earthwork movements to complete subsoil and topsoil profiling works in the final areas for phase 1. Drainage installation is nearing completion around pond 2 and the construction of the pond 2 will progress when the old gas main becomes redundant after the new main feed from Burntwood Lane goes live in early October. Boundary clearance at the Southern boundary is currently being reviewed with STEP and the extent of the clearance may change following ongoing consultation with various parties. As a minimum there will be further clearance works in October to enable footpath construction to the Southern boundary to tie in to the existing footpath in the existing car park in St Georges Grove.
Works complete to Road 1 located east of Storey Building. Road 1 lower is closed for public use. Works are scheduled to be completed by 18th October 21. Traffic management is currently setup to divert traffic to the east of Elizabeth Newton.
Works complete to Road 2 - Storey carpark access road. Road construction progressing outside the nursery, gym and both new hospital buildings, but uninterrupted access will be maintained for both parties through Share Garden.
Works to progress hard landscaping will commence on Springfield Drive in late October.
FM shed steel frame works are complete with cladding to commence end of October 21.
HV electricity statutory undertaker laying HV cables into site to Trust Storey Building from Glenburnie Rd due to be completed in October.
Footpaths to Park area B will be ongoing through October
SRM Works Location drawing for October 2021
Next phase of new build residential - Plots B-E and L&M (delivered by Barratt London)
B1 & B2: superstructure to continue up to 2nd floors/roof level to houses
C1: superstructure to 1st floor
C1: superstructure to 2nd floor
E2: continue reduce dig and formation of ground beams and drainage
E1: ground beams complete, substructure brickwork, drainage and services
L&M: superstructure to continue up to 1st/2nd floor
Barratt monthly look ahead drawing - October 2021
Conversion of listed main building to residential - Plot S (delivered by City & Country)
Externally stone, brick and roof repairs continue and scaffold removal will continue to Jasmine Tower.
New and refurbished cast iron and Crittall style window installations continue.
The first of the Central Tower apartments are to have decorations completed and carpets fitted.
Internally, 1st fixing to start in Rose Tower with plastering to continue in Jasmine Tower and commence in Lupin Tower.
Commence decorations to upper floor units in Jasmine Tower.
Central Tower lift installation to be completed.
Investigations will continue in Orchid Wing and areas to the rear of Central Tower to assist with design works for this next stage of construction.
External service distributions to be undertaken.
Substation fit out to commence.
New care home facility - Plot H (delivered by Lawrence Baker)
Now our ground floor is fully installed, over the coming month Lawrence Baker intend to:
Continue with the external façade to all elevations.
We intend to complete the first-floor structure from first floor to the roof level on the Eastern side of the site.
Complete superstructure to the West of the site along with installing the first-floor precast planks.
We will be commencing some internal works by completing drainage, first fix M&E and commencing screed floors.
Finally, by Mid October we aim to be erecting the roof structure working the Northeast corner towards the South.
Area of Responsibility Plan