A look ahead for June 2020
Hospital Buildings
Ongoing construction of foundations and concrete frame work to Forensic and Non-Forensic hospital buildings
Closure and re-diversion to Storey Building main reception entrance for 10 weeks to facilitate the ongoing construction of the Forensic building.
Civil and Infrastructure
Ongoing new road construction within current road closure adjacent to plots P and Q
Completion of hoarding to plots B to E
Completion of Demolition of Penrose (Building 18)
Demolition of old electrical substation in Plot D2 and old wall adjacent to Harewood House in Plot E2
Earth works planned to commence in the park area towards end of June
Outfall drainage installation to commence in park area
Hoarding to be installed along Burntwood Lane
Hedges along Burntwood Lane to be trimmed
June 2020 Works Location Drawing