A look ahead for December 2020
Hospital Buildings (delivered by Sir Robert McAlpine)
Ongoing construction of concrete frame work to Forensic Hospital Building
Ongoing façade installation to Non-Forensic building
Fitout and masonry works are ongoing to Non-Forensic building
Ongoing construction and structural work to Energy Centre
Civil and Infrastructure (delivered by Sir Robert McAlpine)
Outfall drainage installation ongoing in park area
Ongoing water main installation to the Elizabeth Newton Building from the new water main in Springfield Drive
Ongoing works to Road 1 located east of Storey Building. Works scheduled for 6 months and traffic management setup to divert traffic to the east of Elizabeth Newton.
Ongoing works to Road 2 - Storey carpark access road. Access to carpark will be closed.
Ongoing works to Road 3 - adjacent to the new Care Home (Plot H)
Sir Robert McAlpine Christmas Shutdown
Please note the site will close for Christmas. Last day of work is 22nd December 2020 and will reopen on the 4th January 2021. Please note security will be present onsite 24/7.
SRM December 2020 Works Location drawing
Conversion of listed Main Building to residential - Plot S (delivered by City & Country)
During the course of the next month leading up to the Christmas break, City and Country will be progressing works to the Central Tower where the Sales Suite is to be located. These works include internal drainage and structural alterations to the basement area below the sales suite, the recovering of the roof to the Central Tower and repairs to the stone and brickwork to the front elevations.
In addition to this the Sales area is currently being first fixed and plastering due to start ahead of the break.
Elsewhere on Phase 1, scaffold continues to be erected to the next wings of the Main Building to allow repairs to these to commence.
City & Country Christmas Shutdown
During the last week in the lead in to the seasonal shut-down, the work area will be checked for security and procedures put in place to maintain the property for the duration of the closure which is due to be from the afternoon of the 24th December 2020 with work recommencing on 4th January 2021.
Next phase of new build residential – Plots B-E and L&M (delivered by Barratt London)
Construction work on the residential units in these plots is due to commence in the new year.
Springfield Areas of Responsibility